Insert a cool story here whenever you feel inspired haha
see where we’ve gone (together)!
Where we have gone individually is a secret hehe. Hover over the markers to see the name of the location, and click on the markers for a bonus description.
5/9/2024 (M) Look at the spiky plants. Now look at us. Back to the spiky plants. Isn’t nature beautiful? We sure think so.
3/9/2024 (E) More scenes from Pima Canyon. I think this was probably the greenest hike I’ve ever done in Tucson.
3/9/2024 (E) For some reason, I’m a really really big fan of little mossy plants growing near creeks and that sort of thing. There’s just something very charming about it. (M) I wholeheartedly agree as a moss girl myself.
3/8/2024 (E) Today was an epic journey, first collecting some breakfast burritos and then ascending Tumamoc Hill to eat them together. Maxine liberated some flowers from the ground on the way back.
10/12/2023 (M) We went to Tohono Chul (Tucson, AZ) and it was a wonderful time! There were a lot of round-ish cacti (as you can see here) and cute little areas scattered around. Questionably warm outside for October though. This was Ethan’s first visit back to Tucson to see me :)